Season One
Introduction to the NATSA podcast!
Guest: Rita Jhang (NATSA program director 2019-2021, NATSA president 2021-22)
Editor: Lev Nachman (Ph.D. candidate in Political Science; UC-Irvine)
Ep 1.
Academic work-life balance // Pedagogy // University of Washington's Taiwan Studies Program
Guest: Dr. James Lin (Assistant Professor of International Studies; University of Washington)
Moderator: Yi-Ting Chang 張依婷 (Ph.D. candidate in English and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; The Pennsylvania State University)
Editor: Lev Nachman (Ph.D. candidate in Political Science; UC-Irvine)
Ep 2.
Studying Experience in TW & US // Environmental Sociology & Interdisciplinarity // Carbon Trade
Guest: Dr. John Chung-En Liu 劉仲恩 (Associate Professor of Sociology; National Taiwan University)
Moderator: Leo Chu 朱家立 (Research Assistant at Department of Geography; National Taiwan University)
Editor: Lev Nachman (Ph.D. candidate in Political Science; UC-Irvine)
Ep 3.
Academic research in Taiwan and the U.S. // Arts and Theatre // Pedagogy
Guest: Dr. Jasmine Yu-Hsing Chen (Assistant Professor, Department of Languages, Philosophy and Communication Studies, Utah State University)
Moderator: Chee-Hann Wu 吳稚涵 (Ph.D. candidate in Drama and Theatre, University of California-Irvine)
Editor: Lev Nachman (Ph.D. candidate in Political Science; UC-Irvine)
Ep 4.
Sexuality and race in US and Taiwan // Black-lives-matter // Queer theory and queer studies // the fallacy of left-right binary // racism // nationalism
Guest: Dr. Wen Liu (Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica)
Moderator: Dr. Rita Jhang 張竹芩 (Assistant Professor, Global Health Program, National Taiwan University)
Editor: Lev Nachman (Ph.D. candidate in Political Science; UC-Irvine)
Ep 5.
Establishing oneself as a scholar in the US // communication studies // pedagogy
Guest: Dr. Sydney Yueh (Associate Professor of Communication; Northeastern State University)
Moderator: Chia-Hsu Chang 張嘉栩 (Graduate Student of Comparative Literature; Binghamton University)
Editor: Lev Nachman (Ph.D. candidate in Political Science; UC-Irvine)
Ep 6.
Teaching and learning // Social movement // human connection //
keeping up with the changing world
Guest: Dr. Pei-Wen Lee 李佩雯 (Professor, Speech Communication; Shih Hsin University
Moderator: Dr. JhuCin Rita Jhang (Assistant Professor, Global Health Program, National Taiwan University)
Editor: Dr. JhuCin Rita Jhang
Ep 7.
Studying Taiwan in TW & Abroad // International Journal of Taiwan Studies
Guest: Dr. Ming-Yeh Rawnsley (Research Associate at SOAS University of London)
Moderator: Chia-Yu Liang 梁家瑜 (Doctoral Researcher at Dept. of International Relations, Univ of Sussex)
Editor: JoAnn Chee-Hann Wu (Ph.D. Candidate in Drama, UC-Irvine)