As NATSA is paying close attention to the global concern of COVID-19, the NATSA 2020 conference will be held as planned at this point (May 22-24 at the University of California-Irvine). We would like to provide appropriate accommodation as needed. If you expect your attendance to be affected, please let us know at your earliest convenience.
Your registration would be fully refunded if you have to cancel it due to the following reasons:
***You are departing from a country that the U.S. Department of State listed as travel advisory level 2 (exercise increased caution) - 4 (do not travel) due to the outbreak of COVID-19. The most updated listing could be found here:…/traveladv…/traveladvisories.html/
***The U.S. is listed as watch, alert, or warning level regarding COVID-19 by your departure country.
***Your flight is significantly changed due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
***You have schedule conflict due to consequences of COVID-19 outbreak; e.g., delay in the start of school.
Please be advised that it is difficult to buy face masks in Irvine, attendees are encouraged to bring their face masks if they deem to need one.
Please direct any questions you may have regarding this to the NATSA secretary at
Thank you so much for your understanding, and keep in contact. We look forward to seeing you in Irvine!
本學會持續關注 COVID-19 疫情,目前研討會將依計畫如期舉行(五月二十二至二十四日於加州大學爾灣分校)。學會將配合防疫,提供參加學者適當的協助。若您的行程因疫情而有所調整,或因此無法參加本次的研討會,請盡快聯繫與我們聯繫,我們將協助您完成後續事宜。
若您因以下之因素無法參加本次的研討會,我們將全額退還註冊費: ***您的出發地、預計轉機地點被美國國土安全部列入二至四級旅遊警戒區、禁飛名單、強制隔離區等。最新資訊請參考此處…/traveladv…/traveladvisories.html/。 ***您的出發地將美國列為旅遊警戒區。 ***您的班機因減班或停飛而無法於預定時間內抵達。 ***您所屬的大專院校延後開學,因而學期規劃受影響。
若您預計在 5/22-24 會議入境美國之前至其他國家旅行,也請密切注意美國土安全部之入境政策與限制。此外,目前美國加州爾灣地區口罩供應緊缺,若有需求,請於出發地購買並攜帶至此地。謝謝您的合作與體諒,NATSA也會密切關注疫情的發展。若有任何疑問,請聯繫 NATSA 秘書(,我們期待在五月的會議與您相見!