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Trans-Asia Conference CFP

Writer: NATSA SecretaryNATSA Secretary

Sixth Annual Trans-Asia Graduate Student Conference

University of Wisconsin-Madison April 12-14, 2019

Within and Beyond Asia

Featuring Dr. Erin Collins (American University)

and Dr. Rivi Handler-Spitz (Macalester College) as Keynote

The TAGS Organizing Committee is pleased to announce the sixth annual Trans-Asia Graduate Student Conference, encompassing Asia-related research across a wide range of fields. Participants will have a valuable opportunity to share work and receive feedback from peers and professors in the UW system, as well as to gain insight into recent developments in Asia-related research across various disciplines. This year’s conference aims to invite critical examinations into the past and present of “Asia” that bridges local and global, and transcends regionalism and nationalism. The theme speaks to the recent paradigm shift of Asian studies in general, driven by the increasing exchange of bodies, ideas and capitals that move within and beyond various forms of conventional borders. Therefore, our goal is to open up a broader horizon for reimagining different “Asias” in the global context. Taking the participants’ specific fields of study as a starting point, we want to look for various opportunities of transregional and transdiscipline conversations and cooperations.

Submission guidelines:

Interested graduate students may submit individual abstracts for paper presentations or proposals for panels of three papers. Each paper presentation is 20 minutes followed by a 10-minute question & answer session. You will need to upload your abstract (max. 300 words, 12 pt. font in Times New Roman, double-spaced lines) in one document (.pdf or .doc/.docx), including:

  • Panel Name (panel submission only)

  • Main Title

  • Subtitle (optional)

  • Author Name(s)

  • University Affiliation(s)

  • Keywords

  • Abstract

Proposals for group panels should also be submitted in a single document by a designated organizer and should include a 300-word abstract for the panel as a whole in addition to abstracts for each individual paper.

This year, we are also accepting proposals from undergraduate students interested in presenting quality academic papers. Undergraduate proposals should be centered on a well-researched academic project of a senior thesis or honors thesis project caliber.

The full papers themselves should be about 8-9 pages double spaced in 12-point Times font. Those presenting audio-visual or performance projects should submit a 4-5 page discussion of their work.

Submit Proposals:

Abstract Due: 15 February 2019

Acceptance Notification: 1 March, 2019

Full paper due: 1 April, 2019

Conference Date: 12-14 April, 2019

Conference registration is free. Presenters can be provided with shared lodging (upon request), meals and Saturday dinner. Questions about the abstract submissions or the conference in general should be directed to:


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